Tourist Info


Address: C/Mayor  s/n, 03837 Agres


Phone: 965510001

Come and meet us

Agres. Alicante town by town

Under the gaze of the Sierra de Mariola, Agres offers spectacular landscapes crowned by the sanctuary of the Virgin of Agres and where there are a large number of water sources that come from the springs of the natural park, where we highlight the route of the refrigerators or cavas.

Costa Blanca

More than 218 kilometers of coastline full of beaches with calm waters and gentle sands, 2,800 hours of sunshine a year, a privileged climate and a mild sea have been for decades the fundamental attraction for millions of travelers to reach us. .

Over the years, the development of modern tourist infrastructures and communication routes has facilitated access to our lands. The landscape of the Costa Blanca is marked by the sea, but also by the mountains that look out over it. The province of Alicante is the second most mountainous in Spain; the Mediterranean landscape is shown in its grandeur. From the valleys that house the staggered crops, of Moorish origin, to the horizons full of mountains covered by holm oaks, pines and carob trees and perfumed by a wide variety of aromatic plants. Lovers of the mountains and hiking are guaranteed well-signposted routes through the inland regions. In the south of the province, the mountains disappear and the landscape softens, palm groves emerge and orchards mark the horizon.

In addition, our territory is full of archaeological sites that give an idea of ​​the historical richness of this area, populated for thousands of years. Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans and Muslims left their mark here; through his remains we also figure out his way of life. On the coast or inland, the traveler will have the opportunity to discover our gastronomic richness and the quality of the wines made by our wineries.

Visitors can visit, if they wish, small villages hidden between mountains or the most modern and lively coastal towns, with an intense nightlife. Monumental history and architecture mark the landscape of inland towns and cities. There are numerous marinas and countless facilities along the coast to enjoy the sea and the nautical offer.

Golf lovers can be sure to find among us courses with unbeatable facilities.

We want travelers of all ages to find among us the destination they were looking for. That’s why we strive every day.

Our history

The town of Agres has been inhabited by man since time immemorial. The archaeological sites of the Cova Beneitó, the Solana, Carbonell, the Coveta L’emparetà, the Cova del Moro, the Cova els Pilars, the Mola d’Agres, the Pic de l’Àguila, the Cabeço de Mariola and the Covalta, remains of Paleolithic man have been discovered, 40,000 to 30,000 years BC and the Neolithic, 500 years BC.