Vulture cava

Vulture cava

It is located in the Sierra Mariola in a ravine west of the Resingle, on the north face of the Serra Mariola, 1220 meters high and west of the Cava Grande. It is located very close to the forest track that connects the Cava Grande with the Mariola Fountain. Valuation:...

Cava de l’Habitació

Cava de l’Habitació

It is located on the crest of the Sierra de Mariola and southwest face, next to the summit of the Contador, at 1200 meters high, a few meters from the mountain refuge of the hiking center of Alcoi, and next to the access track of the forest observatory Of the Counter....

Other cavas that can be found in the municipality of Agres

Other cavas that can be found in the municipality of Agres

Cava de les Eres: located at an altitude of 700 meters inside the town and which was demolished in the middle of the 20th century. Today only the name of the street where they were located remains. U.T.M. 158957 Map 821 Cava del Teix: located at an altitude of 1206...